Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year 2019

When its midnight on New Year’s Eve,
it begins another year
and the year before takes its leave.

We’ll all enjoy,
have a nice meal
may be a salad or a seal.

On 1st January,
we’ll say good morning to the sun
and may be go on a nice run.

We’ll make our resolutions
having a strawberry and
chocolate ice cream fusion.

What’s going to happen this year,
I am really very keen
I just can’t wait for 2019.

The sky was overrun with birds,
more than enough to make a flock.
Pigeons would fly into houses ,
when people forgot to lock.

But now the sky is crystal clear
only specks of birds flying near.

Day by day hundreds die.
Their bodies hard as rock,
now there’s barely any birds to make a flock.

Because of radiation,
I am pretty sure that by my graduation
birds will be no more.

In the shallow water crystal clear,
you should see lots of fishes swimming near.
But the water now dirty and sore
and the animals in it are no more.

Even the crocodile with its winning smile
could become extinct because of leather waste that go miles.
In the past everything was well,
the birds and animals were swell.

But now radiation and pollution they endure,
Taking advantage, we bait and lure.
We just need to give it another shot
and make sure mother earth doesn’t rot.

Can’t we go outside and play a game of catch?
Rather than use the internet and a bird’s life snatch?

Then on a fine evening on a hot summer day,
“What a beautiful world”.
I’m sure they’ll say.